Sunday 23 August 2015

So . . . what's next?

I accomplished one of my goals by getting to the last ferry on my list in Alberta, the La Crete Ferry on August 2, 2015. It is the northernmost public ferry in Alberta. I crossed the Shaftesbury Ferry on August 1, 2015. Incidentally both cross the same river. High Level where I spent Saturday night is just a little north. If I felt like it, another hour and a half by motorcycle would have found me in the Northwest Territories. I have been to Yellowknife by plane, I really did not feel the need to drive further north at this time.

The descent to the ferry landing. You can make out the ferry that looks like it is just beside the guardrail. The Peace River is in the background.

Built in 1987, it is a self propelled ferry and can carry fourteen mid-sized vehicles. One guy was operating it, another was working the deck. On the other side is La Crete, Alberta. I just crossed back and forth as I had a timetable I was trying to keep.

I got one of the crew to take my photo with my motorcycle mid-crossing just to prove I was there. I do not post photos of myself as I am never really happy with the results. Needless to say that one is not getting posted.

What is peculiar is that on the top of the valley is lots of muskeg. You reach the top to see nothing but muskeg for miles.

The river is fairly wide, the crossing is quick as it is a powerful and fast ferry.

So, what now? I made a list of ferry locations in Alberta which became a quest to get to all of them. It was also a bit of a private joke. I never really expected to accomplish it due to distance, time, or trying to get someone to join me. I ended up doing most of it myself. 

I did learn a few things about myself on these trips as much as I reinforced what I already knew. I am comfortable with doing things by myself. If you cannot get someone to go along on something that you want to do then just find a way to do it anyway. I sharpened my improvisation skills and I got a bit more patient about life if things did not exactly work out. What is next is that I find some new goals. It is still not the destination, it is what you find along the way. 


  1. Glad you reached your goal and found out along the way that whatever you do or where you finally wind up, it is meant to be. The fun part in life is to take those results and turn them into an adventure! Happy trails!

  2. Once again, great photos and you are correct, it is not the destination...but the journey. The fact that you self discovered is speaks to your character!
