Wednesday 18 October 2017

If you are missing a boot . . .

There are a few fences with things like hard hats, ball caps, and boots that I have run across. This person went with all kinds of footwear. This is kind of weird. Where does someone get this many pieces of footwear? This is a little east of Drayton Valley, Alberta off in the country on October 14, 2017.

Whoever this person is they do not discriminate.


  1. Looks like a good pair of Nikes. Weird.

  2. Interesting form of fence decor...

  3. There used to be, and may still be, a line of power poles out near Nelson BC decorated with hundreds of ties.

  4. Been by this fence a few times and wondered. Oh and thanks for the tip of the Whitebull restaurant in Drum. Great stuff.

  5. oops meant Drayton above
